логи при подключении к другому серверу
Java Path: D:/Games/Project Galaxy/jreAMD64/bin/java.exe
Heap size: 3621.0
Read pass from stream with install key: 666
[INFO]: Animation thread started.
[INFO]: System Arch: amd64
[INFO]: Repository: mclient
[INFO]: Head accessories: + 200
[INFO]: Body accessories: + 8
[INFO]: Other accessories: + 67
[INFO]: Quest XML items: + 5
[INFO]: Items info: 1726
[INFO]: Render mode: Simple
[INFO]: Antialiasing: 4x
[INFO]: options.alphasort: ON
[INFO]: Render Distance: Far
[INFO]: Language: ru_RU
[INFO]: Compositor start...
[INFO]: Sound system start...
Starting up SoundSystem...
Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
(The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
OpenAL initialized.
Add media texture: mob/npc/express.png = .\plugins\Кибер посыльный\graph\mob\npc\express.png
Add media texture: galaxy/stars.png = .\plugins\Синяя галактика\graph\galaxy\stars.png
Init water shaders
[INFO]: Init FBO core
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 10
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
Failed to initialize device USB GAMING MOUSE because of: java.io.IOException: Failed to acquire device (8007001e)
[ERROR]: Mising: //block/candle_single/candle_single.png
[ERROR]: Mising: //block/candle_single_wall/candle_single_wall.png
[ERROR]: Mising: //block/table/size-3/size-3.png
[INFO]: Card name: NVIDIA Corporation
[INFO]: Card about: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
[INFO]: Card version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 566.03
[INFO]: Recipes 655
[INFO]: Connecting to: Newbie n1.mcgl.ru, 1138
[INFO]: Server IP:
[INFO]: Server protocol: 37
[INFO]: World: height = 128, gen = 1
[INFO]: Login data: user = _Qmsi_, uid = 708036, proto = 37
[INFO]: Loaded alchemy effects: 0
--- Добавлено в 2024-12-17 18:50:22
где найти папку с плагинами?
Ответов: 15
Twink |
карма: 0 |
Редактировалось 1 раз(а), последний 2024-12-17 18:50:22