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Ответов: 1205
#1: 2012-09-11 14:10:26 ЛС | профиль | цитата
Вспоминается ban request на gen-a или acez-а (точно не помню): "парень вообще ахренел, летает себе с бешеной скоростью, рушит блоки одним ударом, вытаскивает все блоки подряд, срочно забаньте", как-то так)

--- Добавлено в 2012-09-11 14:57:28

Решил, используя swi-prolog.

Программа на прологе

neighbors(A,B) :- L=[1,2,3,4,5], member(A,L),member(B,L),(A is B+1 ;A is B-1 ).
left_right(A,B) :- L=[1,2,3,4,5], member(A,L),member(B,L), A is B-1 .

print_list(Name, Vars_list, Names_list) :-
nth1(Index1, Vars_list, 1),
nth1(Index2, Vars_list, 2),
nth1(Index3, Vars_list, 3),
nth1(Index4, Vars_list, 4),
nth1(Index5, Vars_list, 5),
nth1(Index1, Names_list, Value1),
nth1(Index2, Names_list, Value2),
nth1(Index3, Names_list, Value3),
nth1(Index4, Names_list, Value4),
nth1(Index5, Names_list, Value5),
format("~0|~s~15|~p~30|~p~40|~p~50|~p~60|~p\n", [Name, Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5]).

solve :-
R_T800 = 3,
P_Blacksmith = 1,
P_Engineer = H_Stone,
P_Miner = S_Helper,
P_Builder = R_Human,
H_Obsidian = R_Vampir,
P_Medic = C_Pumpkin,
S_Noob = C_Wheat,
C_Tomato = H_Wood,
R_Ogre = C_Cacti,
left_right(H_SandStone, H_Obsidian),
neighbors(H_Marble, P_Blacksmith),
neighbors(C_Melon, S_Admin),
neighbors(C_Tomato, S_Coder),

% defining lists
Profs = [P_Engineer, P_Miner, P_Blacksmith, P_Medic, P_Builder],
Houses = [H_Stone, H_Obsidian, H_SandStone, H_Wood, H_Marble],
Statuses = [S_Noob, S_Helper, S_Admin, S_Coder, S_Cheater],
Races = [R_Vampir, R_T800, R_Ogre, R_Human, R_Elf],
Crops = [C_Wheat, C_Tomato, C_Melon, C_Cacti, C_Pumpkin],

% defining names
Profs_names = ['Engineer', 'Miner', 'Blacksmith', 'Medic', 'Builder'],
Houses_names = ['Stone', 'Obsidian', 'SandStone', 'Wood', 'Marble'],
Statuses_names = ['Noob', 'Helper', 'Admin', 'Coder', 'Cheater'],
Races_names = ['Vampir', 'T800', 'Ogre', 'Human', 'Elf'],
Crops_names = ['Wheat', 'Tomato', 'Melon', 'Cacti', 'Pumpkin'],

% do permutations
permutation(Profs, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
permutation(Houses, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
permutation(Statuses, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
permutation(Races, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
permutation(Crops, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),

% now print results
print_list("Proffesions: ", Profs, Profs_names),
print_list("Houses: ", Houses, Houses_names),
print_list("Statuses: ", Statuses, Statuses_names),
print_list("Races: ", Races, Races_names),
print_list("Crops: ", Crops, Crops_names).
semplar@localhost:~/Develop$ swipl                
% library(swi_hooks) compiled into pce_swi_hooks 0.00 sec, 3,920 bytes
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 5.10.5)
Copyright (c) 1990-2011 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Please visit http://www.swi-prolog.org for details.

For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).

?- qcompile('./einshtein_mcgl.pl').
Warning: /home/semplar/Develop/einshtein_mcgl.pl:17:
Singleton variables: [S_Cheater,R_Elf]
% /home/semplar/Develop/einshtein_mcgl.pl *qcompiled* 0.00 sec, 12,664 bytes

?- solve.
Proffesions: Blacksmith Builder Engineer Miner Medic
Houses: Wood Marble Stone SandStone Obsidian
Statuses: Admin Coder Noob Helper Cheater
Races: Elf Human T800 Ogre Vampir
Crops: Tomato Melon Wheat Cacti Pumpkin
true ;

?- .
Action (h for help) ? exit

Единственный возможный результат:

Админкузнец, эльф, живет в деревянном домике, выращивает помидоры.
Прогерстроитель, человек, живет в мраморном домике, выращивает арбузы.
Нубинженер (!), Т800 (!!!), живет в каменном доме, выращивает пшеницу.
Хелпершахтер, огр, живет в доме из песчаника, выращивает кактусы.
Читермедик, вампир, живет в обсидиановом доме (что не удивительно), выращивает тыкву.
карма: 14